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The Reconfigurable Aerial Robotic Chain: Modeling and Control
ICRA2020 Pitch Video: The Reconfigurable Aerial Robotic Chain: Modeling and Control
IFAC2020 PITCH: The Reconfigurable Aerial Robotic Chain: Shape and Motion Planning
The Reconfigurable Aerial Robotic Chain: Shape and Motion Planning
Forceful Aerial Manipulation based on an Aerial Robotic Chain: Hybrid Modeling and Control
ASLquad Aerial Writer Demonstration
iDrone: A Modular Reconfigurable Drone System
New Dexterity: A New Class of Reconfigurable Drones
Simulation of a modular and self-reconfigurable quadcopters structure
Reconfigurable Space Computing for Collaborative Robotic Environment Applications | Project Showcase
ICRA2020 Pitch Video | EVDodgeNet: Deep Dynamic Obstacle Dodging with Event Cameras
Aerial Manipulator